외국어/Grammar in Use

Unit 14. Present perfect and past (2)

야곰야곰+책벌레 2021. 7. 1. 08:16

Do not use the present perfect (I have done) when you talk about a finished time ( yesterday / ten minutes ago )

  • The weather was nice yesterday. ( not 'has been nice' )
  • They arrived tem minutes ago. ( not 'have arrived' )
  • I ate a lot of sweets when I was a child. ( not 'have eaten' )

Use a past tense to ask When ... ? or What time ... ?

  • When did they arrive? ( not 'have they arrived' )
  • What time did you finish work?
Present perfect
- Tom has lost his key. He can't get into the house.

Here, we are not thinking of the past action.
We are thinking of the present result of the action.
→ Tome doesn't have his key now.
Past simple
- Tom lost his key yesterday. He couldn't get into the house.

Here, we are thinking of the action in the past.
We don't know from this senetence whether Tom has his key now.

Compare present perfect and past

Present perfect (have done)
- I've done a lot of work today.

We use the present perfect for a period of time that comtinues from the past until now.

- It hasn't rained this week.

- Have you seen Ann this morning?
- Have you seen Ann recently?
- We've been waiting for an hour.
Past simple (did)
- I did a lot of work yesterday.

We use the past simple for a finished time in the past.

- It didn't rain last week.
- Did you see Ann this morning?
- Did you see Ann on Sunday?
- We waited for an hour.

