외국어/Grammar in Use

Unit 12. When...? and How long...? For and since

야곰야곰+책벌레 2021. 6. 29. 08:04

Campare When ... ? ( + past simple ) and How long ... ? ( + present perfect )

A : When did it start raining?
B : It started raining an hour ago / at 1 o'clock.
A : How long has it been raining?
B : It's been raining for an hour / since 1 o'clock.

We use both for and since to say how long something has been happening.

We use for when we say a period of time.
(two hours, six weeks etc.)
- I've been waiting for two hours.

- Sally's been working here for six mounths.
- I haven't seen Tom for three days.
We use since when we say the start of a period.
(8 o'clock, Monday, 1985 etc.)
- I've been waiting since 8 o'clock.

- Sally's been working here since April.

- I haven't seen Tom since Monday.

It is possible to leave out for (but not usually in negative sentences)

  • They've been married (for) ten years. (with or without for)
  • They haven't had a holiday for ten years. (you must use for)

We do not use for + all ... (all day/all my life etc...)

  • I've lived here all my life.

We say 'It's (a long time / two years etc..) sine something happened.

  • It's two years since I last saw Joe.
    = I haven't seen Joe for two years / the last time I saw Joe was two years ago.
  • It's ages since we went to th cinema.
    = We hanve't been to the cinema for ages.

The question is How long is it since ... ?

  • How long is it since you last saw Joe?
    = When did you last aee Joe?
  • How long is it since Mrs Hill died?
    = When did Mrs Hill die?