외국어/Grammar in Use

Unit 21. Will/Shall (1)

야곰야곰+책벌레 2021. 7. 13. 12:16

We use 'I will' when we decide todo something at the time of speaking

  • What would you like to drink? / I'll have an orange juice, please.
  • Did you phone Ruth? / Oh no, I forgot. I'll phone her now.

You cannot use the present simple ( I do / I go etc ) in these sentense.

  • I'll go and shut the door. ( not 'I go and shut' )

We often use I think I'll ... and I dont' think I'll ...

  • I feed a bit hungry. I think I'll have something to eat.
  • I don't think I'll go out tonight. I'm too tired.

In spoken English the negative of will is usually won't.

  • I can see you're busy, so I won't stay long.

Do not use will to talk about what you have already decided or arranged to do.


We often use will in these situations

1. Offering to something.
  - That bag looks heavy. I'll help you with it.
2. Agreeing to do something
  - A : You know that book I lent you. Can I have it back if you've finished with it?
  - B : Of course. I'll give it to you this afternoon.
3. Promising to do something.
  - I won't tell anyone what happened. I promise.
4. Asking somebody to do something
  - Wll you shut the door, please?

You can use won't to say that somebody refuses to do something

  • I've tried to advise her but she won't listen.

Shall I ... ? / Shall We ... ?

  • Shall I open the window? ( = do you want me to open the window?)
  • I've got no money. What shall I do? ( = What do you suggest? )

'외국어 > Grammar in Use' 카테고리의 다른 글

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