외국어/Grammar in Use

Unit 18. Used to (do)

야곰야곰+책벌레 2021. 7. 7. 07:30

'Something used to happen' = something happened regularly in the past but no longer happens.

  • I used to paly tennis a lot but I don't play ver often now.
  • Diane used to travel a lot. These days she doesn't go away so often.

We also use used to... for something that was true but is not true any more.

  • This building is now a furniture shop. It used to be a cinema.
  • I used to think he was unfriendly but now I realise he's a very nice person.

'I used to do something' is past. There is no present form. You cannot say 'I use to do'. To talk about the persent, use the present simple (I do).

